The Northern Lights Native Designs

The Profesional Journey of Male Primary-Junior Teachers Project

The provincial study, The Professional Journey of Male Primary-Junior Teachers in Ontario, 2007-2009, was financed by The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO), The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) and supported by the Northern Canadian Centre for Research in Education and the Arts (NORCCREA) with Douglas Gosse (principal investiga­tor), Michael Parr (co-investigator). We would like to acknowledge and thank research assistants Johanna Kristolaitis, Ashley Parr, Taralyn Parr, and Brendan Dillon, for their assistance. For further information, please email:


Bradley, J. (2011). False accusations: A growing fear in the classroom. Canada Education, 51(1).

Calabrese, M. (2010, October 25). Study looks at shortage of male teachers in younger grades The North Bay Nugget. Retrieved from

Gosse, D. (2010a, May 29). Androgenophobia and erastephobia: Regulation of ‘Dangerous’ Sexualities of Male Primary Teachers in Ontario / Androgénophobie et érastéphobie : la régulation des sexualités «dangereuses» d’enseignants de sexe masculin au primaire en Ontario. Paper presented at the XXXVIIIth Annual Conference, Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Concordia University, Montreal.

Gosse, D. (2010b, March 26). A comparative analysis of two primary-junior Ontarian teachers falsely accused of inappropriate conduct with pupils Paper presented at the American Men’s Studies  Association Annual Conference, Beyond Borders: Masculinities and Margins XVIII, Atlanta, Georgia.

Gosse, D. (2010c, May 28). Wrongly accused: Male teacher, 30ish, BA (Hon.), B.Ed., Assumed pedophile. Paper presented at the Queer Issues in the Study of Education & Culture Pre-Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Concordia University, Montreal.

Gosse, D. (2011a). Androgenophobia and erastephobia: Fear of male sexualities in the workplace of primary/junior teachers In M. E. Harrison & P. W. Schnarrs (Eds.), Beyond Borders: Masculinities and Margins. The 17th Annual American Men's Studies Association Conference Proceedings (pp. 224-252). Harriman, TN: Men's Studies Press.

Gosse, D. (2011b). Race, Sexual Orientation, Culture and Male Teacher Role Models: Will Any Teacher Do As Long As They Are “Good”? The Journal of Men’s Studies, Special Issue on Men and Teaching, 19(2), 116-137.

Gosse, D., & Facchinetti, A. (2011). What's in a male? . Education Today, the Magazine for Education Professionals, 11(2), 26-30.

Gosse, D., & Kristolaitis, J. (2009, May 25, 2009). Professionally speaking: who did what to whom? Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, Ontario.

Gosse, D., & Parr, M. (2009, May 23, 2009). Prejudice in the Professional Journeys of Male Primary Teachers in Ontario. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Ottawa, Ontario.

Gosse, D., Parr, M., & Allison, J. (2007a). Narrative Inquiry into the Professional Journey of Male Primary-Junior Teacher Candidates in Northern Ontario. Paper presented at the American Men’s Studies Association, 15th Annual Conference.

Gosse, D., Parr, M., & Allison, J. (2007, March 31). Researching the Halted Paths of Male Primary School Teacher Candidates. Paper presented at the American Men's Studies Association, Engaging Boys and Men: How are we doing?, Kansas City, MI.

Gosse, D., Parr, M., & Allison, J. (2007b). You’re Out! Calling for debate on male primary school teacher candidates. Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education, 3(1), 1-22.

Gosse, D., Parr, M., & Allison, J. (2008). Researching the halted paths of male primary school teacher candidates. Journal of Men's Studies, 16(1), 57-68.

Gosse, D., Parr, M., & Kristolaitis, J. (2010a). Male nurturing and androgenophobia The Professional journey of male primary-junior teachers in Ontario (pp. 19-26). North Bay: Nipissing University.

Gosse, D., Parr, M., & Kristolaitis, J. (2010b). A Report on the Professional Journey of Male Primary-Junior Teachers in Ontario. North Bay: Northen Canadian Centre for Research in Education and the Arts at Nipissing University.

Leclaire, R. (2010, October 26). Male Education Students: Guys, We Need More Teachers! Retrieved from

Parr, M., & Gosse, D. (2011). The Perils of being a male primary/junior teacher: Vulnerability and accusations of inappropriate contact with pupils. The McGill Journal of Education, 36(3).

Parr, M., Gosse, D., & Allison, J. (2007, July 3-6). Professional Journey of Male Primary Teachers: Experiences and perceptions of entering into a “sacred female space,". Paper presented at the Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.